Displaying text in SwiftUI
In Composing SwiftUI views we've covered an example on how to start building a design system, and how it's very beneficial to have one as early as possible in any project.
In this article, let's continue building our design system with a new component, a button:

The start
In this case we're lucky, as our app only has one design. We don't even need to create a new ButtonStyle
! Just in case, we build one anyway:
struct FSButton: View {
let titleKey: LocalizedStringKey
let action: () -> Void
init(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.titleKey = titleKey
self.action = action
var body: some View {
Button(action: action, label: { Text(titleKey).bold() })
private struct FSButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
HStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8, style: .continuous).fill(Color.green)
.opacity(configuration.isPressed ? 0.5 : 1)
Which we can use as follows:
FSButton("Button title") {
// button tap action

Great! We’re happy with FSButton
: we add a couple of previews and move to the next design system component.
One week later
One week pass by and we're told by management that some of the buttons text will be provided by our backend instead of being handled by the app.
In order to use our current API, we would need to explicitly convert the backend string into a LocalizedStringKey
var backendString: String
FSButton(LocalizedStringKey(backendString), action: buttonDidTap)
However this is "not ideal" in many levels:
- we're misusing
- we're triggering a runtime lookup for a string that we already know won't be in our
table - it's just...not ideal
A nicer way to handle this would be to use the init<S: StringProtocol>(_ content: S)
initializer, of which purpose is to display strings as they are, without trying to localize them first.
We need a way to accommodate both this new initializer and also our previous one. A solution is to have FSButton
replace its titleKey
property with a title
struct FSButton: View {
let title: Text
let action: () -> Void
init(titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.title = Text(titleKey)
self.action = action
init<S: StringProtocol>(_ content: S, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.title = Text(content)
self.action = action
var body: some View {
Button(action: action, label: { title.bold() })
With this update FSButton
initializers will create on the fly the Text
instance with the proper initializer:
FSButton(titleKey: "my_localized_title", action: { ... })
var backendString: String = ...
FSButton(backendString, action: { ... })

You now know how to write "Button title" in Thai!
One more week later
The marketing team has heard about the button's text backend-driven approach, and now they want us to make it possible for them to also drive designs such as this one:

This is not possible with our two initializers. However, Text
is one of most flexible and dynamic SwiftUI views, it has a whole suite of ad-hoc modifiers that return other Text
views, and it's even possible to add Text
views to other Text
views, with the outcome still being another Text
let text: Text =
Text("Default ") +
Text("italic ").italic() +
Text("Big ").font(.title) +
Text("Red ").foregroundColor(.red) +
Therefore, in order to support this new request, all we need to do from FSButton
's point of view is to expose a new initializer that accepts a Text
extension FSButton {
init(_ title: Text, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.title = title
self.action = action
Which makes it possible to create views such as:

Note that, thanks to this last initializer, we can completely override the default style of our button Text
, with different font, weight, text color etc. which opens to a variety of new button styles for free.
...where does it end?
So far we've managed to keep our button content a Text
view, however there might be a day in the future where that changes:
at that point we will probably need to extend our view to accept a view builder instead, which we've already covered here.
In conclusion, where should we start and what should we expose is really up to us, for example:
- if we're building a library/design system and we want to force whoever adopts it to use our style, we're probably ok by exposing just the two
initializers - if we want to offer more flexibility, we can let developers pass a
instance, which opens a whole world of customization, while still requiring the main content to be aText
- lastly, if we really want to open to infinite possibilities, we can expose an initializer that accepts a view builder, at which point the customization limits are our imagination's
The final project can be found here.
Building SwiftUI components displaying text can be trickier than expected, however most use cases can be covered with little work on our side.
The same approach and thought process we've see here has been applied in many SwiftUI views definitions as well, where different views will expose different initializers.
If you're looking for inspiration, here are some SwiftUI views that use this approach:Button
, ColorPicker
, CommandMenu
, DatePicker
, DisclosureGroup
, Label
, Link
, Menu
, NavigationLink
, Picker
, ProgressView
, SecureField
, Stepper
, TextField
, Toggle
, WindowGroup
..and even a few modifiers such as navigationTitle
and help
Do you use this approach when building SwiftUI views? Have you used/seen any other patterns? Please let me know!
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more articles!