What's new in Xcode 13 beta 3
Xcode 13 beta 3 has just been released, and it comes with new SwiftUI goodies: let's have a look at what's new!
Shape style erasing with AnyShapeStyle
/// A type-erased ShapeStyle value.
@available(iOS 15.0, macOS 12.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *)
@frozen public struct AnyShapeStyle : ShapeStyle {
/// Create an instance from `style`.
public init<S>(_ style: S) where S : ShapeStyle
While we have @ViewBuilder
to build advanced views, the same cannot be said for shapes. Until today, offering different shape styles meant defining multiple times the same view with different shape styles.
New from this beta seed, we have AnyShapeStyle
, which makes our life easier:

struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isAngular = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Button(isAngular ? "Angular" : "Linear") { isAngular.toggle() }
var shapeStyle: some ShapeStyle {
let gradient: Gradient = Gradient(colors: [.red, .pink, .purple])
if isAngular {
return AnyShapeStyle(.conicGradient(gradient, center: .center)) // 👈🏻
} else {
return AnyShapeStyle( // 👈🏻
LinearGradient(gradient: gradient, startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing)
Maybe we can get a
next? 🙏🏻 FB9331755
Styles re-organization with HierarchicalShapeStyle
We have a new HierarchicalShapeStyle
, used for all the .primary
, .secondary
, etc styles. Previously each one of these styles had their own style, e.g. QuaternaryContentStyle
for .quaternary
All the old styles have been deprecated and will likely be removed in an upcoming beta seed.
extension ShapeStyle where Self == PrimaryContentStyle {
public static var primary: PrimaryContentStyle { get }
extension ShapeStyle where Self == SecondaryContentStyle {
public static var secondary: SecondaryContentStyle { get }
extension ShapeStyle where Self == HierarchicalShapeStyle {
public static var primary: HierarchicalShapeStyle { get }
public static var secondary: HierarchicalShapeStyle { get }
public static var tertiary: HierarchicalShapeStyle { get }
public static var quaternary: HierarchicalShapeStyle { get }
Angular Gradient convenience initializers
Angular gradients have gained new static convenience initializers (available from iOS 13 and later):
extension ShapeStyle where Self == AngularGradient {
public static func conicGradient(
_ gradient: Gradient, center: UnitPoint, angle: Angle = .zero
) -> AngularGradient
public static func conicGradient(
colors: [Color], center: UnitPoint, angle: Angle = .zero
) -> AngularGradient
public static func conicGradient(
stops: [Gradient.Stop], center: UnitPoint, angle: Angle = .zero
) -> AngularGradient
For an example on this, go back to the
example, I've sneaked one of those in there 😜
environment value

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Tap me or press ⌘F") {
print("tapped or pressed")
.keyboardShortcut("F", modifiers: [.command])
Button("Tap me or press ⌘S") {
print("tapped or pressed")
.keyboardShortcut("S", modifiers: [.command])
private struct FiveStarsButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
@Environment(\.keyboardShortcut) private var shortcut: KeyboardShortcut? // 👈🏻
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
.font(.body.weight(shortcut == .init("F") ? .heavy : .regular))
Xcode 13 Beta 3 introduces new \.keyboardShortcut
environment value, letting us read the assigned keyboard shortcut to any view. We can use this value as we please, for example to customize the appearance of a button.
More compact TimelineView
Similar to styles, the SwiftUI team is pushing us to use the more compact syntax for the new TimelineView
From Xcode 13b3, this generates a deprecation warning:
TimelineView(EveryMinuteTimelineSchedule()) { context in
Where the recommended way is:
TimelineView(.everyMinute) { context in
View builders backport
In SwiftUI patterns evolution: view builders we've covered a new emerging SwiftUI pattern from this year, at the end of the article we've seen how it was relatively easy to create extensions back-porting said pattern to previous versions OSes.
Thanks to this new beta seed, most of these extensions are no longer needed, as SwiftUI backports these new initializers view modifiers all the way to iOS 13 (and equivalent on other platforms).
For example, we went from:
@available(iOS 15.0, macOS 12.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *) // 👈🏻
extension Section where Parent : View, Content : View, Footer : View {
public init(
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content,
@ViewBuilder header: () -> Parent,
@ViewBuilder footer: () -> Footer
@available(iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) // 👈🏻
extension Section where Parent : View, Content : View, Footer : View {
public init(
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content,
@ViewBuilder header: () -> Parent,
@ViewBuilder footer: () -> Footer
We have a lot more documentation for:
Did you find anything else interesting in Xcode 13 beta 3? Please let me know!
As always, please report any issue to Apple: we're still months away from the official release, things can and will be fixed, as long as we report them.
This article is part of a series exploring new SwiftUI features. We will cover many more during the rest of the summer: subscribe to Five Stars's feed RSS or follow @FiveStarsBlog on Twitter to never miss new content!